Monday, January 24, 2005

spiritual progress

The surest sign of spiritual progress is a total lack of concern about progress. There is an utter absence of anxiety about anything like liberation and a sort of hollowness in one's being, a kind of looseness and involuntary surrender to whatever might happen. Balsekar

never born never die

This essence is not born and can never die. It exists eternally. Some call it energy; others call it spirit. But what is it? No one knows. Any concept we have of what it is can only be an analogy. Zen

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Enjoying life

I understand that the whole manifestation and life is nothing but a dream, a play. I am playing the whole game. I am simply enjoying life. Kiran

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Peace and freedom

Do not look for peace and freedom in the outside world. Real freedom and real happiness are inner states which are yours when you are in harmony with the divine. Ramdas

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Go out! - the world is beautiful...

Relate with others, but relate with yourself also. Love others, but love yourself also. Go out! - the world is beautiful, adventurous; it is a challenge, it enriches. Go out fearlessly - there is nothing to lose, there is everything to gain. Osho

no right no wrong

there is no right there is no wrong no height to climb no depth to fall live from the heart and love from your soul Unknown

Monday, January 17, 2005

Human ambition

To shake off the dust of human ambition I sit on moss in Zen robes of stillness, While through the window, In the setting sun of late autumn, Falling leaves whirl And drop to the ground. Tesshu Tokusa

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Boosting one's ego

Fame, status, achievements and wealth have a tendency to boost one's little ego. As a result, one is led astray like a traveller who has lost his way and is unable to return home. Keichu

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Sutta Nipata

Rouse yourself! Sit up! Resolutely train yourself to attain peace. Do not let the king of death, seeing you are careless, lead you astray and dominate you.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Sri Sri Ravishankar

Enlightenment is a rare combination of innocence and intelligence, having words for expression and, at the same time, being very silent. In that state, the mind is fully in the present moment. Whatever is necessary is revealed to you in such a natural and spontaneous way, you just sit and the song of the nature flows through you.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


A free man belongs to himself and nobody else. A free man is simply an energy with no name, no form, no race, no nation. deeshan: - One earth - One country - One humanity

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Andrew Cohen

Human beings only learn and evolve through relationship. The only way we can see ourselves objectively is through the reflection of others. We can go off and sit in a cave and meditate for years, but we only really find out what happened in that cave when we come out and get involved with other people. So we need each other if we want to evolve.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Eckhart Tolle

We all came into this world gifted with innocence, but gradually, as we became more intelligent, we lost our innocence.
We were born with silence and as we grew up, we lost the silence and were filled with words.
We lived in our hearts and as time passed, we moved into our heads.
Now the reversal of this journey is enlightenment.
It is the journey from the head back to the heart, from words back to silence; getting back to our innocence in spite of our intelligence.
Although very simple, this is a great achievement.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

"It doesn't interest me how old you are, I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive." Your age does not matter, but your courage, your thirst to live... and it is never too late!

Saturday, January 08, 2005


The whole world should be one humanity: no fanaticism, no racism, no nationalism. Then, for the first time, we can drop the idea of wars. We can make life with honesty, worth living, worth enjoying; playful, meditative, creative, and give every man and every woman equal opportunity to grow and bring their potential to flowering.


Friday, January 07, 2005


Understanding can come only at the appropriate time, and no one can say when. All that can be said is that the understanding cannot come so long as there is expectation, so long as there is a "me" wanting it. Balsekar

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Hello friends
This blog is to share, to discuss, to meet about meditation and about life in all its dimensions.
Everyday I post a quote on my website and I will also post it here.
Why desire at all? Desiring a state of freedom from desire will not set you free. Nothing can set you free, because you are free. See yourself with desireless clarity, that is all. Nisargadatta Maharaj
love... deeshan